2day was a SAD and ANGRY DAY LARHHX! rwarr!! 2day we had a new relief form tcher.. zz.. i HATE HER! arnnd i hate SIDDIQ! hweba eu spell his name! shox irritatin! keep irritatin the WHOLE CLASS LARHHX! =O
aft skool, sam, trish arnnd I went oppo skool to buy cake arnnd roses arnnd serviettes arnnd stuffs! Oh wells.. denchHx we rush baq to skool cUx we were late alrdy! Arnnd on our way baq to skoo, I met VAL arnnd NICOLE! WTH?!?! It’s like.. the cake ishHx for dem too! Shox it’s like no surprise anymore! =( oh wells! denchHx we went to canteen ask drinkstall uncle can put cake in fridge anortTx.. denchHx we went up for co tinky!
We watched a few videos.. loLx.. the 1st one was half the co in bus singing arnnd playin our instruments on our way to syf. I tink? Or izzit full dress rehearsal? haHax.. I donchHx noe larhhx! haHax.. anyways.. it was nice arnnd kinda touchin.. it really touched into the past arnnd memories.. shox sadd.. we cant get to like, lian arnnd stuffs.. oh wells!
Aft watchin the video, it was the announcing of the new com. Arnnd stuffs.. it was like.. erhHx.. I orhHx shox donchHx noe wat to say..
Pres: Cynthia
1st Vice: arghhx!! Me ^.-”
2nd Vice: Geraldine B.
Secretary: Triny
Wardrobe: -Xiner
-Xiao Qi
-arnnd I doncHhx noe hu .. =x
Librarian: Hu arhHx? =x
Attendance: Hu arhHx? =x
Level rep: Sec 1 – Zahreen! MOI JUNIOR!! =))
Sec 2 – Hu arhHx? ^.-?
Sec 3 – Veng Wai
Ok.. denchHx I donchHx noe wat lerhHx.. loLx! Great start ritEx? Oh wells! I shall cont moi story..
denchHx aft dat trish, sam arnnd I went to get the cake! It was like.. still like a cake.. denchHx we waited for like.. I donchHx noe hw long.. zzz! We asked mel to tel the sec 4s to go to the canteen aft dey are done.. but apparently, mel dint.. shox.. we waited.. arnnd waited.. finally sam arnnd I went up to the music rm.. arnnd wth? All the sec 4s left alrdy..we were dam depress arnnd hurt.. shox in the end.. the 3 of us ate the cake! I celebrated trish arnnd sam’s burhffday cUx deir burhffday ishHx like in nov arnnd dec, skool hols, shox i sang song for dem! =) arnnd dey made a wish arnnd kept relightin arnnd blowin away the fire! haHax Arnnd we gave away abit of the cake to emmy, nic, gen arnnd ppl hu wanted.. haHax.. we orhHx shox gave the drinkstall uncle for helping us! haHax..
arnnd trish started to use cream to smear on sam’s leg.. arnnd sam wanted to ATTACK trish wibBx cream! Shox she gortTx up arnnd took cream, BUT ATTACKED ME INSTEAD!!! Arnnd we started a CAKE FIGHT! We took cake arnnd cream arnnd threw at ea other! HAHA! Fun!! Arnnd we gortTx SCOLDED by the cleaner.. zzz!! Wtf?!?! It’s nortTx as if we are goin to RUN AWAY wibBout cleanin up! We are nortTx dat IRRESPONSIBLE! WTF?!?! Screw her larhHx! denchHx I gortTx really angry arnnd kept sayin “we betta clean up, if nortTx someone will COMPLAIN.” Arnnd I said it ESPECIALLY LLLOOUUUUDDD! Shox the auntie could hear! She kept THREATENIN US! Like, “gortTx camera, I nortTx scared arhHx.. I go report to office.. wat class arhHx?” it’s like.. wth?!?! Mel, val, son arnnd xq came find us! haHax.. when dey left, mel 4gortTx her rose ! shox I habBx it nw! HAHA! Ok.. I tink I shud stop.. im like.. writin dam long! HAHA!